Encyclopedia Titanica

Miss Hayes' Wards Living in Poverty

French orphans unable to speak their own names

The Washington Times

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With the formal filing of a claim against the White Star line for the loss of the husband of Mrs. Marcelle Navratil, who went down with the Titanic, it became known today that "Lolo" and "Momo," the Titanic waifs cared for by Miss Margaret Hayes, are now living in poverty with their mother at Nice, France.

Navratil fled from France with "Lolo" and "Momo" and sailed on the Titanic.

A few minutes before the boat sank he handed the children to Miss Hays. The children could not tell their names and it was weeks before the mother claimed them.

[Note: The inconsistent spelling of "Hays" is so in the original.]


Library of Congress


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Encyclopedia Titanica (2013) Miss Hayes' Wards Living in Poverty (The Washington Times, Thursday 10th April 1913, ref: #19415, published 10 April 2013, generated 1st October 2024 05:15:38 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/-miss-hayes-wards-living-in-poverty-19415.html