The Washington Times, 13 March 1913
Financier Reaches Naples, and Will Devote Some Time to Tour of Continent
NAPLES, March 13---J. P. Morgan, perceptibly enfeebled by his latest
illness, arrived at Naples today aboard the White Star liner Adriatic and
despite strenuous protests of his relatives, friends, physicians and nurses,
boarded a special train for Rome.
Herbert Satterlee, son-in-law of Morgan, urged the financier to continue the
voyage to New York aboard the Adriatic, but he insisted on going to Rome,
and may perhaps visit other cities of Europe before returning home.
Further than Rome, the Morgan itinerary was not known when the party left
Naples today.
Morgan hopes to arrange an audience with King Victor Emmanuel. He will also
try to see Kaiser Wilhelm in Berlin, and King George in London, before
returning to America. The financier also will arrange to meet the leading
antiquarians and Egyptologists of Europe, some of whom are his most valued
personal friends.
A member of the Morgan party said, on landing, that Morgan, because of his
recent illness and advancing years, realized that in all probability he
never again would make a thorough tour of Europe, perhaps never again visit
the Continent, and so, in spite of the protests of his relatives and
physicians, had determined on a farewell leavetaking of the monarchs and
solons who have been his friends.
When he landed today, Morgan clearly showed the ravages of his illness on
the Nile. He was thinner than when he landed here from New York last winter,
and leaned heavily on a cane while attendants on either side supported him
as he walked. His face is sunken and drawn with lines of pain, but his eyes
had all the old-time Morgan fire and spirit. He puffed a long black cigar.
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