A reference to Miss Buss is made in the Toronto Daily Star of April 20th, as the following extract will show:-
''Special to the 'Star' by a staff reporter - New York, April 20th - What happened at the regular Sunday service on board the Titanic on the day of the ship's doom? Many have asked that question, but the answer is only now being supplied, and the man who tell of it is a young theological student by the name of Stuart Collett, from North London. On the fateful day he assisted the Rev. Mr. Carter, also of London, in a hymnal and prayer service on the Titanic. At this service Miss Wright played the piano and sang three solos, which were ''There is a Green Hill far away'', ''For Those in Peril on the Sea'' and ''Lead, Kindly Light'', after which the Rev. Carter prayed.
There were 35 at the service, and after the prayer they sang ''Now the Day is Ended''. Shortly after they felt the crash of the ship against the berg and scrambled to the decks to find the crew manning the lifeboats.
''Young Collett, said he assisted Miss Wright and Miss Buss to the lifeboat and after explaining to the crew about to man it that the young women had been entrusted to his care, he was allowed to enter the lifeboat with them.
''When Collett met his brother here the first thing he did was to take a small Oxford bible from his pocket and hand it to his brother. It was given to him by his brother when they last parted, with the admonition that he hand it back next time they met.
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