Encyclopedia Titanica

Titanic Survivor Oscar Hedman reaches Bowman

Oscar Hedman reaches Bowman After a Most Exciting Voyage and a Narrow Escape From Death

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Oscar Hedman, a former resident of Bowman, arrived here yesterday afternoon from St. Paul, and since then has been kept busy receiving the congratulations of all his friends upon his escape from death in the Titanic disaster.

Much has already been published in the newspapers regarding this terrible catastrophe in which more than sixteen hundred people lost their lives, and a great deal of that in the northwestern papers was related by Mr. Hedman so that our readers are already familiar with his story.

There was one point, however on which we were not satisfied, and that was the story that the people on the Titanic did not realize the danger they were in.

Mr. Hedman says that those who were awake were fully aware of their danger. For an hour and a half before he jumped into the sea, Mr. Hedman says he was satisfied that he was about to die. He jumped into the water with the expectation of being drowned, but was picked up by a boat and was one of four men to save a boatload of women and children.

Mr. Hedman does not seem anxious to talk of his experience. Many heroes went down, but some were saved, and Oscar Hedman was one of them. He says he has had enough of the ocean and never expects to trust himself to it again.

Mr. Hedman will return to St. Paul in a few days.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Titanic Survivor Oscar Hedman reaches Bowman ( ref: #2776, published 27 April 2004, generated 9th September 2024 12:48:42 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/a-titanic-survivor-reached-bowman.html