Encyclopedia Titanica

Rescue of Mrs Becker

Gettysburg Complier

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Dr L. B. WolfSecretary of Foreign Missionary Board of The General Synod LutheranChurch, tells that he met Mrs Becker, a Lutheran missionary from India,returning on the ill-fated Titanic, at New York when the Carpathiadocked with the Titanic’s survivors. Mrs Becker quietly told of escapeas follows:

Whenthe shock came she went into the gangway and inquired of the stewardthe cause of confusion. She was told what happened and being assuredof safety was told to retire. The three children were in bed. Twentyminutes later the steward called her and shouted ‘All hands on deck.’She awakened the children and wanted to dress them but was told therewas no time. She grasped shoes and stockings and in their nightclothes rushed them on deck, where the two smaller children were put into lifeboat No.18 [sic]. She appealed to be placed in with them, and as theboat was being lowered, she was thrown in with the two small children. Ruth was left behind and placed into the next boat lowered and shefound her on board the Carpathia. She says she saw the Titanic slowlysink bow first, and after the explosion disappear. She is resting atthe home of Rev. Becker’s brother at Benton Harbour Mich. Dr Wolfcabled Rev. Becker of their escape.


Marion James

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  1. B (2010) B (2010)
    Ruth Becker lived a lucky life. She could have died in the Titanic but she lived on. This is a very powerful website and it gave me everything i need for my report.
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Encyclopedia Titanica (2006) Rescue of Mrs Becker (Gettysburg Complier, Wednesday 15th May 1912, ref: #4967, published 2 January 2006, generated 9th November 2024 09:35:25 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/becker-rescue.html