Encyclopedia Titanica


New York Times

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Nine Hundred First Cabin Passengers on Olympic, Cedric, and Lapland
More than 1,200 cabin passengers, of whom nearly 900 will be in the first cabin, will sail from New York for Europe to-day. This big crowd of travelers, in numbers one of the largest that has sailed from New York in a single day this Winter, is booked on the White Star liners Olympic and Cedric, and the Lapland of the Red Star Line. Of the 900 who are going in the saloon apartments the Olympic will have about 500, the Cedric 300, and the Lapland the rest.

Among the Olympic's passengers will be Col. and Mrs. John Jacob Astor, who go abroad for the first time since their marriage; Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Brooks, J. Bruce Ismay, President of the International Mercantile Marine; Prince and Princess del Drago, Lewis Einstein, the American Minister to Costa Rica, and the Countess Camilla Hoyos, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Converse and Mrs. Donald Sage Mackay are among those booked by the Cedric.

Others booked to sail by these liners are:

OLYMPIC (Southampton)---***Emil Brandeis***.

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Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) BIG CROWD SAILS TO-DAY (New York Times, Wednesday 24th January 1912, ref: #3655, published 3 September 2004, generated 11th January 2025 11:54:28 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/big-crowd-sails-day.html