Encyclopedia Titanica

Body of West Hoboken Man, Victim of Titanic Disaster, Found at Sea

Recovered by the Mackay-Bennett Ship and Will Be Sent Home.

Hudson Dispatch

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Fifteen More Bodies Were Found by Same Vessel Today

Greenwood Robertson, of 222 Central avenue, West Hoboken, received word this morning that the body of his father-in-law, H. W. Ashby, who was a second cabin passenger of the ill-fated Titanic, had been recovered by the cable ship Bennett Mackey [sic], which was sent to the scene of the disaster to search for bodies, and is now on its way to Halifax.

The body was identified by means of marks found on the clothing and also by letters in his possession. It was in good condition and was embalmed by the crew of the cable vessel so that it may be shipped to Ashby's late home, on Traphagen street, West Hoboken, for burial.

Ashby was returning from a visit to his relatives in England when he met his death. For several days after the disaster, his son-in-law and two daughters visited the offices of the White Star line in New York in hopes of obtaining some news that he might be among the saved. They did not abandon hope until the steamship Carpathia arrived when it was found that he was not among the rescued passengers.

Ashby was well known in West Hudson, where he has lived several years. Robertson, his son-in-law, is proprietor of the Colonial Theatre on DeMott street. He lived on Traphagen street with his daughter. It is believed that his body will reach West Hoboken either to-morrow or Thursday. It will depend largely when the Mackay-Bennett with his body aboard reaches Halifax.

[Note: In fact John Ashby's body was not found. The article probably misreports the recovery of Glory-Hole Steward: Henry Wellesley Ashe.]

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) Body of West Hoboken Man, Victim of Titanic Disaster, Found at Sea (Hudson Dispatch, Tuesday 23rd April 1912, ref: #1238, published 28 August 2003, generated 29th November 2024 08:40:38 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/body-west-hoboken-man-victim-titanic-disaster-found-at-sea.html