Encyclopedia Titanica

Bride being taken from Carpathia

Second Wireless Operator of the Titanic

Evening Bulletin

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Bride being taken from Carpathia
The second wireless operator on the Titanic being taken down the gang plank when the rescue ship Carpathia docked Thursday night. At the time Titanic struck Cottam {sic} was off duty and asleep in his berth, and was compelled to take charge of a lifeboat before he was fully clothed; even his shoes were missing. When they were taken aboard the rescue ship it was found that Cottam {sic} could not move, as his feet had been frozen. Cottam {sic} has to be carried from the Carpathia when she docked at her pier in the North River, New York

Original Caption: "Harold Thomas Cottam" (history shows this is Harold Bride)


Rosanne MacIntyre, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) Bride being taken from Carpathia (Evening Bulletin, Saturday 20th April 1912, ref: #3974, published 18 October 2004, generated 4th December 2024 12:09:57 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/bride-being-taken-from-carpathia.html