Encyclopedia Titanica


Brooklyn Daily Times

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Two of the visitors to the White Star line offices were Laurence M. Byles, Vice President of the W. E. Byles Company, Ltd., of 90 Wall street, Manhattan, and his brother, W. Hunter Byles, of Omaha. They went to inquire as to the safety of another brother, the Rev. Thomas Byles, of Ongar, Essex, England.

Father Byles was on his way to America on the Titanic to celebrate the marriage of the fourth brother in the family, William E. Byles, who lives at 124 Pacific street, and is President of the W. E. Byles Company, Ltd. Mr. Byles has been engaged to marry Miss Katherine Russell. It was for the marriage that the brother from Omaha came on.

Father Byles is a Catholic priest, and is a nephew of Sir W. P. Byles, M. P., and a grandson of William Byles, founder of the Yorkshire Observer. He was born in a Protestant family, but became a Catholic while an undergraduate at Oxford. He was ordained in 1903 at Rome. W. E. Byles last night had given up all hope that his brother would be saved.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) BROTHER OF BROOKLYNITE, A PRIEST, WAS ON TITANIC (Brooklyn Daily Times, Wednesday 17th April 1912, ref: #4220, published 17 November 2004, generated 1st December 2024 08:47:11 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/brother-brooklynite-priest-was-titanic.html