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New York Times

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Philadelphia Survivor of the Titanic Entertains Commander of the Carpathia
Skipper and His Surgeon Go to Haverford with Hostess Following Astor Luncheon---Come Back To-day
Special to The New York Times
PHILADELPHIA, June 1---Capt. Arthur Henry Rostron, commander of the Carpathia, and Dr. Frank McGee, the ship's surgeon, were the guests of Mrs. John B. Thayer at Haverford to-day. They will return to-morrow afternoon to New York. The Carpathia will sail Tuesday.

According to Mrs. Thayer's secretary, the two officers of the ship which rescued Mrs. Thayer and her son “Jack" Thayer, among the survivors of the Titanic, were at the Haverford house simply for a quiet, restful visit. It is said that Mrs. Thayer invited them because she wanted an opportunity to thank them personally for the part they played in the rescue.

Capt. Rostron and Dr. McGee reached Haverford last night, following the Astor dinner in New York, and were hurried to the Thayer home. Friday afternoon it had been denied by a member of Mrs. Thayer's household that the officers were expected.

Mrs. Thayer accompanied her two guests from the Astor mansion in New York to this city in a private car which was attached to the 6:05 main line train, which arrived at Haverford at 6:25. There "Jack" Thayer met them in an automobile.

Dinner was served at Mrs. Thayer's home shortly after their arrival. Among the few who attended was Mrs. Walter B. Stephenson, another survivor of the Titanic disaster, who lives near the Thayers. George C. Thayer and Theodore H. Morris, a brother of Mrs. Thayer, were also at the itable. [sic] Later Dr. Robert G. Gamble visited the house. It was said that James McCrea, President of the Pennsylvania Railroad; Samuel Rea, a Vice President, and George Dallas Dixon, who succeeded John B. Thayer as a Vice President of the railroad, were also guests.

Mrs. George D. Widener, who was among those saved, expressed her thanks to Capt. Rostron for his kindliness and thoughtfulness when the shipwrecked survivors were in his care.

This afternoon Mrs. Thayer, Mrs. Widener, and Capt. Rostron went for a short automobile ride. Mrs. Widener will entertain Mrs. Thayer and Capt. Rostron at luncheon to-morrow before he returns to New York.

Asked the question as to what remedy appealed to him strongest in the way of saving life as taught by the Titanic disaster, Capt. Rostron blandly expressed his regrets, but firmly refused to answer.

"I cannot say anything about the wreck. I have been asked for my opinion many times, both here and in England, but in each instance I have refused. The Inquiry into the disaster has not been concluded at home, and it would not do for me to say anything now."

"Do you have knowledge of any honors the British Government will pay you for your prompt action?" he was asked.

"No, Sir, I do not. I don't really know anything about any honors that you tell me the United States Government is going to extend to me. But I know the English people appreciate fully the part the Carpathia played in the rescue."
Capt. Arthur Henry Rostron received a gold watch from Mrs. John Jacob Astor at the informal luncheon she gave in his honor on Friday at her home, 840 Fifth Avenue, as a souvenir of her appreciation of what he did for her comfort and for all the survivors of the Titanic. Dr. Frank E. McGee, surgeon of the Carpathia, was also at the luncheon, and received a gold
cigarette case from Mrs. John B. Thayer of Philadelphia, another survivor, who was a guest of Mrs. Astor.

It was said on board the Carpathia yesterday that Capt. Rostron and Dr. McGee were expected to return from Philadelphia this afternoon in time to attend the band concert at the Moulin Rouge to-night in Times Square for the benefit of the Titanic's musicians' widows and families.

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Mark Baber, USA

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2004) CAPT. ROSTRON GUEST OF MRS. J. B. THAYER (New York Times, Sunday 2nd June 1912, ref: #3525, published 20 August 2004, generated 23rd January 2025 12:09:22 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/capt-rostron-guest-mrs-j-b-thayer.html