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Dowagiac Daily News

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Mrs. Bishop Is First Lady to Leave the Wrecked Ocean Liner


First Direct Tidings Came Last Night, and Again This Morning They Send a Message Home


Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, passengers on the wrecked steamship Titanic and rescued by the Carpathia hours after the wrecked ship sank into the sea, landed safely in New York City last night about 8 o’clock, when the Carpathia , of the Cunard Steamship Line, docked with it’s freight of 662 people, all that were saved from the Titanic. Immediately advices came to this city announcing they were well and safe. Shortly before the Carpathia reached harbor, Mr. Bishop sent a wireless dispatch to Manager F. E. Lee, of the Round Oak Stove Works as follows: "On board the Carpathia , April 18 All are well. Signed, Dick" At 6:30 this morning Mrs. G. E. Bishop, of Dowagiac, mother of D. H. Bishop, received a message, transmitted by wire at New York City, bearing the same intelligence.
It said simply that they had landed and were well. Up to a late hour today no information had come to either Mr. Bishop’s parents, or to friends as to when they expected to leave New York for Dowagiac, or the time of their probable arrival. All efforts to get into communication with them today failed. They are looked for in Dowagiac by train either Saturday or Sunday. Possibly they will remain in New York long enough to rest up from the awful shock endured before starting on the homeward trip. A special issue of the Kalamazoo Gazette of this morning contained the following interview by Mrs. D. H. Bishop, obtained after they landed in New York: "I was the first woman to leave the Titanic and the boat which I was in was the first lowered away. I was in bed when the crash came and got up and dressed; after being assured that there was no danger I went back to bed. I then decided that it would be better to investigate the cause of the crash which I heard, and went to the deck from which I got into the lifeboat. There was little or no panic. The behavior on the Titanic was excellent. My husband was also saved, Thank God."
It is assumed from the above interview that Mr. Bishop also came off the Titanic in one of the first boats, but whether he and Mrs. Bishop got separated is not known. According to the newspaper stories the first few life boats only carried men passengers. After that the crew drew revolvers and forbade the men entering the boats, but it was unnecessary to use the revolvers.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2003) CARPATHIA LANDS IN NEW YORK CITY AND THE BISHOPS WIRE THEY'RE SAFE (Dowagiac Daily News, Friday 19th April 1912, ref: #1791, published 21 November 2003, generated 3rd December 2024 02:04:15 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/carpathia-lands-new-york-city-and-bishops-wire-theyre-safe.html