Daughter of Henry Siegel, the millionaire merchant. She was brought in on the Carpathia with the rest of the survivors. In relating her exxperiences she said: "There were many lifeboats preparing to be launched when my husband and I reached the deck. He ran for one of them and then my husband thrust some biscuits into my hand, kissed me and lifted me into the boat, in which there were twenty-three women. He kissed me again and told me that he would be all right and joined the other men as we were lowered into the water. They all seemed happy that their wives were being carried safely away from the damaged ship, and kept calling and reassuring us that everything would be all right, that the ship could not sink. The next thing was that terrible explosion, the horrible shrieks, and the disappearing of the great ship. The time we spent in that small boat after those noble, heroic men went down were hours of torture. I saw Mr. Ismay when he came on board the Carpathia. He was trembling from head to foot, and kept mumbling 'I'm Ismay! I'm Ismay.'"
Daughter of Henry Siegel, the millionaire merchant. She was brought in on the Carpathia with the rest of the survivors. In relating her exxperiences she said: "There were many lifeboats preparing to be launched when my husband and I reached the deck. He ran for one of them and then my husband thrust some biscuits into my hand, kissed me and lifted me into the boat, in which there were twenty-three women. He kissed me again and told me that he would be all right and joined the other men as we were lowered into the water. They all seemed happy that their wives were being carried safely away from the damaged ship, and kept calling and reassuring us that everything would be all right, that the ship could not sink. The next thing was that terrible explosion, the horrible shrieks, and the disappearing of the great ship. The time we spent in that small boat after those noble, heroic men went down were hours of torture. I saw Mr. Ismay when he came on board the Carpathia. He was trembling from head to foot, and kept mumbling 'I'm Ismay! I'm Ismay.'"
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