Encyclopedia Titanica

Chicagoans Saved by Astor

Mrs. Hippach and Daughter, at Home, Tell of Rescue From Titanic

Chicago Record Herald

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How Colonel John Jacob Astor saved the lives of Mrs. Ida S. Hippach and her daughter, Jean Hippach, when the Titanic was sinking was told when the two reached Chicago yesterday.

Mrs. Hippach and Miss Hippach arrived in the morning. L. A. Hippach, head of the plate glass firm of Tyler & Hippach, who went east last Tuesday to meet his wife and daughter was with them when they left the train and were greeted by a score of relatives and friends. The survivors of the sea disaster hurried to their home at 7360 Sheridan road, where they were besieged by callers all day. Mrs. Hippach was apparently near a nervous collapse.

Mrs. Hippach and her daughter said Colonel Astor placed his wife in the last lifeboat on the Titanic. Then he told them to get in. The boat ws already being lowered but the colonel ordered it stopped, and rushing Mrs. and Miss Hippach to a lower deck, assisted them to climb in through a porthole.

The Chicagoans said that there was only one man of the Titanic's crew in the lifeboat and that the women were forced to take turns rowing until their rescue by the Carpathia.


Thomas E. Golembiewski

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2010) Chicagoans Saved by Astor (Chicago Record Herald, Monday 22nd April 1912, ref: #11227, published 6 February 2010, generated 28th November 2024 01:06:26 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/chicagoans-saved-by-astor.html