1. Aristide

    How much value has this White Star Line 1st class prospect from 1910?

    This item is a prospect that was handed out on White Star Line vessels as information lea fleat for 1st class passengers. It has infos how things run on board, how you book cars once in New York, baggage inssurance, children ins alons, how book cars at Queenstown. Its from 1910 nd in perfect...
  2. J

    How much did Ismay pay for the luxury items in 1910 compared to how much he would pay in 2010

    Hi, can anyone tell me how much money Bruce Ismay paid for all the luxuary items on the ship in 1910,compared to how much would he pay if he would have built the ship in 2010? Thanks for your time
  3. M

    News from 1910: Opening of New York's Chelsea Piers

    The New York Times, 20 February 1910 NEW CHELSEA PIERS OPEN TO-MORROW --- American and Atlantic Lines Gave Up Their Old Quarters When Their Ships Sailed Yesterday --- ALL LINES TOGETHER NOW --- Cunard and White Star Liners Already Using Their Piers at the Great Transatlantic...
  4. T

    The 1910 bFrankensteinb film and other examples of early horror in cinema

    Would the 1910 silent short 'Frankenstein' be the earliest example of a horror film?
  5. A

    Collision with wave in 1910

    Can anyone tell me a little more about the damage that was done to the Lusitania when it hit a huge wave in 1910. I have been researching my family tree and have found family that travelled to America in 1910 on the Lusitania. I'm wondering when in 1910 the collision happened, how long repairs...
  6. D

    tighsolascomBuilding Titanic 1910 pics and copy

    Hi, I recently posted about my new non-commercial education web site, www.tighsolas.ca about a Canadian family during Titanic era. I've just posted some pics and a blurb on the building of the Titanic and sister ship in 1910 from a magazine called Technical World which I purchased off Ebay...
  7. M


    The New York Times, 21 October 1910 WORLD'S LARGEST VESSEL LAUNCHED --- The Olympic Takes the Water at Belfast Amid Scenes of Much Enthusiasm --- HAS A TONNAGE OF 45,000 --- One Hundred and Eighty-two Feet Longer Than Metropolitan Tower Is High---To be Here Next Summer --- Special...
  8. R

    General Chanzy disaster 1910

    All: Can anyone give me details of the General Chanzy disaster of February 1910? I have been able to find very little about it and what I have found is contradictory. Was it Feb. 9 or 10, 1910 for instance? And were 86 people lost or 200? I have found both figures listed. The info I have...
  9. M

    News from 1910: "Mutiny" on Adriatic

    In another thread there was a reference to a "mutiny" by Adriatic's firemen in August 1910. What actually occurred, though, looks more like a strike than a mutiny. Adriatic was scheduled to leave Southampton for New York on 10 August. Two days before sailing day, however, over 100 union...
  10. K

    1910 House

    This is to be the 3rd in the "House" series. 1940's house has finished and they are going to make 1910 house. Its going to be a big project set in a grand Edwardian manor house. They want people to apply to go on the tv programme. As you can imagine they will need a lot of people for it! I would...
  11. M

    Hertz in 1910

    How did people in the second and third class social strata get around circa 1910 in the United States if they were travelling? Obviously they would take the train to their destination, but then what? Hire a horse and buggy? Can anyone recommend some good reading material that could give me a...
  12. D

    1910 Renault Automobile

    I understand that some where on the Titanic,there is stored a new 1910 automobile. I wonder if,after all these years,if there is a chance that it might still be there and if so,there would be any chance that it could be retrieved?