alexander carlisle

  1. S

    Pirrie Ismay Carlisle and then Morgan

    Hello Everyone, My name is Steve Krienke. I just registerd for ET, but I have been reading everyones posts for about two months now. I am a play writer. I am also a big Titanic researcher, I know a great deal about her, as do the rest of you. I have wrote two Titanic plays. When refering...
  2. M

    News from 1926 Death of Alexander Carlisle

    The New York Times, 6 March 1926 CARLISLE, DESIGNER OF TITANIC, IS DEAD --- Member of Privy Council and Noted Engineer Stricken at 72 --- DISASTER BROKE HIS HEART --- Recently Visited Old Friend, Ex-Kaiser---Wanted “Merry Widow Waltz” Played at Funeral --- Copyright, 1926, by The New...
  3. L

    Alexander Carlisle

    I have often wondered about this man. Exactly how big of a role did Carlisle play in the Titanic's design and construction? I believe he retired in 1911, and that he had extensive involvment on the Olympic, but I am surprised that he did not go on the Titanic's maiden voyage. Does anyone have...