arthur paintin

  1. Memorial to James Arthur Paintin

    Memorial to James Arthur Paintin

    Located at St Matthews church, 63 Marlborough road, Grandpont, Oxford
  2. Memorial to James Arthur Paintin Captain's Steward

    Memorial to James Arthur Paintin Captain's Steward

    St. Matthew's Church, 63 Marlborough road, Grandpont, Oxford
  3. William Oakes

    The Captain's Tiger: James Arthur Paintin Book

    Greetings Everyone, I am writing a book.... I can already hear the moans of anquish of "Oh God not another Titanic book"... Actually, this book is about James Arthur Paintin, the Captain's Tiger. Very little has been written about the man. I have read his Bio here on ET and it doesn't shed much...
  4. B

    James Arthur Paintin

    Jean Walker Peck (daughter of Elsie Dora Paintin) supplied the letter from her Uncle and Beryl Lynch Morron (daughter of Edith Florence Paintin) supplied some of the photographs of her Uncle. - Beryl Morron
  5. B

    Arthur Paintin

    I've recently bought a book called "Titanic's voices" , where Captain Smith's steward , a man by the name of Arthur Paintin is mentioned . Yet I cannot find his bunk or cabin on the ship's plan . I know that he had a small inside room , possibly in the officer's roof on Boat Deck . Any clues...