benjamin guggenheim

  1. Duck_Dur

    The Guggenheim cabin and the wreck

    Hello all, Some time ago I watched a documentary on the wreck of the Titanic. They focused on the Guggenheim cabin (B-82) and they said that it was torn into its own separate piece from the bow and the stern I could be getting this wrong because it was a few years ago and my vision of the...
  2. Dan Kappes

    Benjamin Guggenheim only seen and mentioned once in 1996 TV mini-series

    It's at 16:50 in this video of the film: He is only seen and mentioned once in this Titanic film and only during the scene where the Titanic is docked at Southampton. Guggenheim actually boarded the Titanic in Cherbourg. Other Titanic films show him and his mistress Madame Aubert more...
  3. Encyclopedia Titanica

  4. M

    Guggenheim's cabin B82

    So apparently, it was done in the Louis XV style. What would this cabin have looked like? Not like the Lounge, I'm assuming.
  5. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Benjamin Guggenheim
  6. J

    Benjamin Guggenheim 1996 Titanic

    I watched the '96 miniseries not too long ago (whether I find it dreadful or not is of no importance). I noticed that Benjamin Guggenheim and Madam Aubert are both introduced at the very beginning along with the Strauses, etc. But then that's it. You never see Guggenheim again. Not even a...
  7. R

    The source for going down like gentlemen

    Steward Etches in his American Inquiry testimony mentioned Gugenheim's reluctance to put on his life jacket, but apparently left the Titanic by the time Guggenhiem made his alleged statment about "Going down like gentlemen." Just what is the original source for one of these famed remarks from...
  8. M

    Info on Benjamin Guggenheim

    If you want to know about Benjamin Guggenheim, here is a report I wrote on him. Benjamin Guggenheim was born in Philadelphia on Oct. 26, 1865. He was the fifth of seven sons, and his father Meyer Guggenheim, was the founder of the famous house of M. Guggenheim & Sons, which came to America...
  9. J

    Benjamin Guggenheim

    This is my first post and i have been wondering who exactly heard Benjamin Guggenheim say "we are dressed in our best and are prepared to go down like gentlemen" and does anyone know who he was talking to when he said it. I've checked his biography on this site and it doesn't say so if anyone...
  10. B

    The Double Life of Benjamin Guggenheim

    Good Evening, It has always stuck out in my mind that Mr. Benjamin Guggenheim, the wealthy mining baron, had aboard with him in first class a mistress; Leontine Pauline Aubart. Now, I will be the first to admit that I don't know much about the man that was Mr. Guggenheim. I have never...
  11. R

    The Seligmans & Mrs Guggenheim

    This is a press photo, copyrighted by Corbis Images, taken outside the New York offices of the White Star Line, showing Mr. De Witt Seligman (at right) and wife (back to camera) and Mrs. Benjamin Guggenheim (profiled in background). Can someone identify to whom the Seligmans were related on...
  12. J

    Mrs Benjamin Guggenheim

    I forget what exactly happened when Mrs Benjamin Guggenheim (née Florence Seligman) did when she learned of the other "Mrs Benjamin Guggenheim", Mme Aubart. Was there any correspondence between Mme Aubart and the Guggenheim family after the disaster? What was Mme Aubart's maiden name, and I...
  13. J

    Ben Guggenheim Info Wanted

    Hello, I tried to post this before, but I had a computer glitch... so ... I appologise if it shows up twice. I am seeking Info on Ben Guggenheim and his family... All I know is that his family made their fortune on Iron Smelting. Where did his family originate? Did they have any...
  14. L

    Was Leontine Aubart Guggenheim's mistress?

    How does anyone really know if Leontine Aubart was Guggenheim's mistress. After all they traveled on seperate tickets and were they actually seen together on the ship throughout the voyage. There is no real proof to back up this claim, it is all based on rumour.