black passengers

  1. ~{ Kevin W. Hudson }~

    Starlit Night - Upcoming novel in progress

    G'day, everyone. For those who aren't aware/haven't noticed, I'm new to "Encyclopedia Titanica" and I'd say that this site is a great source for information about the ship and the sinking. Anyways, to the point. I'm writing a novel about the R.M.S Titanic and the events surrounding...
  2. D

    Black passengers

    I would like to know was there any black passengers on Titanic?
  3. A

    African Crew Members Aboard Titanic

    I was searching on the net,and i happend to find out that there were small population of Black African's living in England southampton.I was wondering were there any Black African's crew member's working aboard the Titanic as Firemen/Stroker's or Trimmer's?