chain of command

  1. A

    Orders from Mr. Ismay. Superior Force?

    Reading the Inquiry I can see that Mr. Ismay was very influential in the navigation of other ships e.g. He sent a message on the Carpathia to VP Franklin, instructing him to hold the liner Cedric in New York so that he could sail on her back to England. - "Strongly urge detain Cedric sailing...
  2. N

    Captain Smith's orders

    On the night of the sinking did Capt.Smith retire to his quarters and leave Murdoch in command on the bridge.If Capt.Smith left Murdoch in charge did he ask him to maintain a high speed to keep on course to get to New York in record time despite the ice warnings ? Nick.
  3. C

    Chain of command on the bridge of the Titanic

    Once again I will probably show my ignorance of proper maritime protocol, but, anyway, here goes: Re the chain of command on the bridge: Again I quote from the testimony of the good Mr. Robert Hitchins, helmsman on duty at the time of the collision with the iceberg. He indicates in his statement...