
  1. B

    Goodwin Children

    Is there any account as to the mannerisms of these children? Since there is not much record to speak of, if someone was to write a fiction novel that included them, would they have quite a bit of literary freedom?
  2. B

    Children's fiction

    What do you think of the stories of the Titanic for children? Some of them are good, but others bring in too many different urban legends about the "Titanic." Anyone else have an opinion about this?
  3. B

    Children Arriving at Carpathia

    Ok, I heard somewhere, though I can't remember where, that children were carried on board the Carpathia in mailbags. Is there any truth to this statement, or am I wrong in this regard. If there were children carried on board in such a manner, how old were the oldest children carried aboard in...
  4. M

    Women's Rights and Women and Children First

    I typed what's below on another thread (General Titanica >> Titanic Interest -- For Women Only) i/{The Titanic disaster increased the temperature of the woman's sufferage debates. I recently read Walter Lord's "The Good Years". He mentioned a woman's sufferage parade held the month after the...
  5. M

    The birthdates of the children

    Is there a site where you can find all the known birthdates of the children on the Lusitania? Or does anyone know them, or have them somewhere? If you only know the birthdates of some of the children, I'll still be very pleased to know when they are. Miranda
  6. M

    Unidentified bodies of lost children

    The bodies n°68 (male, aged 2), n°101 (female, aged 3), n°121 (female, aged 1), n°185 (male, aged 4), n°221 (male, aged 6), n°222 (male, aged1), n°225 (female, aged 4-5 months) and n°240 (female, baby) were bodies of children. Were they ever identified? Are people trying to find out who...
  7. S

    Children On The Titanic

    Does anyone know what would be the age range for the children on the Titanic o be considered children? Is it if they are over 18 they are considered adults, is it 16 and up are considered adults, twelve and under considered children? Please can anyone help? Thank You !!!
  8. M

    Photo of the Lefebvre children

    I noticed on the Lefebvre family biographies that there is an article named "Gives up hope of children - Mystic man finds that those from Titanic were not his - returns a sad man", it says there that "Mr. Lefebvre had a picture of his wife and four children taken only the week before she sailed...
  9. T

    Any Titanic survivors who never told their children

    Im curious if anyone knows of any instance where a family was shocked to learn thier grandmother, or great uncle was a Titanic survivor- because they never mentioned it to anyone...... Im sure with ther trauma of the sinking, many survivors tried to surpress the memory.. Just as today there...
  10. A

    Jack Thayer's children

    I think there is a mistake on Jack Thayer's bio. It says that he and his wife only had two sons but on another website it said they had 3 sons and 3 daughters? Is right or is et right? Can someone help? Andy
  11. A

    The lost asplund children

    does anyone know why filip, clarence, and carl's bodies werent recovered? and when carl snr.'s body was recovered, where was carl jnr.'s? lillian said that carl snr. was holding carl jnr. i am kind of confused. can anyone help?!!!!!!!! Andy
  12. K

    Could all the women and children have been saved?

    Seriously, there were only 441 women and 106 children. Lifeboats could carry 1178 people, correct? If so, all of them could've been saved, leaving at least room for 631 men. If that was the case, this could mean not only all women and children could be save, but more men would as well. Not...
  13. M

    Children allowed in RW Room

    Since the Smoking Room was a male preserve and you had to be an adult to enter it, was the Reading and Writing Room a preserve only for adult women, like the Smoking Room, or were children, male or female, allowed in this room. And what age did you have to be to enter the Smoking Room and, if it...
  14. S

    Where there any children on Collapsible A

    In movie cal brings a child the the boat, where any children on boat a.
  15. S

    Did Children have their own cabin

    Or in the 3th and second class, did they have their own bed, at what age? it would be crazy to have babies their own bed right?
  16. M

    Solo Children

    I was wondering if children on liners who were traveling alone were treated specially. If a child had been alone, in first class, on a liner, would the captain have talked to them? In some movies (such as The Posiedon Adventure and Ghost Ship) we see that children form relationships with the...
  17. Steven Hall

    Titanic book Danish children's book

    Anyone heard of this book. "A Danish children's book about the Titanic, published by a Copenhagen department store in 1920. In the story, a boy and girl survive the sinking and end up on a deserted island where they have many adventures."...
  18. H

    Lightoller's children

    Do you know when they are born and what are the full names? Thanks a lot!
  19. L

    Dealing with children

    In a discussion with friends last night, a couple of questions were raised, one of which was did the Titanic stock supplies for very young children? My husband was remembering Zwieback toast, which apparently was in use longer than I had thought - would they have carried it in the ship's stores?
  20. S

    Little Children threw into the boats

    A book of daniele steel, no greater lover is a bit about the titanic. Somewhere in the book is said that people threw little children and babies, like the girl in the book called alexis, into the lifeboats from the lower deks. did this really happen or is that just something the writer imagined?