I do. The Titanic looked more realistic funnel-less and the book contained more plot twists and excitement that I don't think could ever be copied on film.
I don't think they should have even made the movie, it's completely different than the book. It's not like A Night To Remember, which is...
Why is most Titanic fiction so bad & what I am doing about it
Why is most Titanic fiction in print so bad? The only novel I ever enjoyed related to it was Clive Cussler's famous "what if" Raise The Titanic! I disliked B. Bainbridge's Every Man For Himself as too predictable and too blah and...
Didn't see a thread exclusively devoted to this movie already, so I'll start this one.
I've got both a hardcover book, and a soft cover book, and I've seen the movie a few years ago. While at B&N the other day, I noticed he has a new book out called "The Thief". It's about crime and, I...
I read an internet article about the Carpathia that said Clive Cussler found the wreck in 1999. I thought he wrote books. I didn't know he was an oceanographic explorer, too. Is this true?
Howdy friends, Romans, Dirk Pitt fans. :)
Check this link out:
"Clive Cussler news"
There's a few "Raise The Titanic" tidbits here.
The legendary Clive Cussler is putting away his pen and retiring from writing his Dirk Pitt adventures. He's a fantastic writer, and the way he incorperated the tales of the great shipwrecks into his story (Titanic, Empress Of Ireland, Andrea Doria, etc.) is amazing.
If only Titanic were...
Ever read Clive Cussler's novel "Night Probe"? That involved the Empress Of Irelend. His best book since 'Raise The Titanic'. I always thought 'Night Probe' would have made a great film....
Tarn Stephanos
While reading through various links (provided by Shelley) I came across a mention of the Waratah having been located during the summer of 1999. However, maddeningly, the link wasn't functioning, so does anyone know how the investigation into this most puzzling of shipwrecks has gone? Has an...