Here on ET, there is no information about Mantoura Boulos Moussa. But says she was rescued in Collapsible C. What was their source to say that? Which survivor said he/she saw her in that boat?
I know that there probably is a more specific section to put this thread in, but given the different questions I am asking in it, I thought it better to leave it in a general section, just in case.
I recently happened to read a fairly new book about the sinking of the Titanic which states that...
I am curious as to the origin of this rumor. I have just read Lawrence Beasley's book for the first time and he reports, as if it were fact, that three Chinese men were found hiding "under the seats" of collapsible c.
I am just curious who told him this, and why. I assume since he believed...
I have read Bill Wormstedt's excellent site about the possibility of an officer's suicide. In it, he says that there are accounts of shots being fired at Collapsible C, but apart from Thayer, I can't think of anyone else. Does anyone know any other witnesses?
I am still puzzled by this.
Mr Ismay says before entering the lifeboat he vainly sought more passengers to be rescued. as the boat was about to lower away he rightly did board thus sensibly reducing the death toll by one.
Among others on board were Mrs Balcini and the 3 misses Balcini, Mrs...
I read recently how Frank Goldsmith was separated from his father at boat C and that many men were held
back. But in the end Ismay said there was no one left on deck and he got in as did Carter. Where did that group of men go? Or was it that Goldsmith was in a different boat other than C.