engineering crew

  1. Steven Christian

    Titanic engineers (Timeline production)

    This popped up on my YT channel. Don't know if it has been posted before. I don't recall seeing it before. There were a few things I question but nothing major. It was entertaining IMO. It's a dramatized version of what the black gang did below decks so take it for what's it worth. I like the...
  2. Peter Kyhl

    Hermann Rägastik

    I have just written with an Estonian and he told me only one Estonian was onboard Titanic. He told me the name Hermann Rägastik and he should be a survivor and should have been 2nd engineering assistant which must be completely wrong. Here is a link to the Estonian wikipedia page Hermann...
  3. Bobby Whalen

    Engineering Crew

    Did anyone died in Boiler room 6 ??? Do some say they escaped the ladders some say they died?
  4. Charles Francis Dowling

    Where did the Window Cleaners, Extra QMs, and Deck Engineers/Storekeeper sleep?

    Hi, I was just wondering where these people slept because I can't find these people's cabins anywhere and I am making a document for every crew member and passenger that includes where they slept. These are problems. *There seems to be 7 Quartermasters, and the only cabin I find for them is on...
  5. J

    Stoker/Trimmer Employment on Titanic

    Hi, Generally when reading of Titanic's stokers and trimmers, only the briefest of mention is made to how they came to sign on to the ship. My pretty basic understanding, is that an individual would seek employment for a voyage on a ship by ship basis, rather than a permanent position with a...
  6. A

    Total Number of Engineering Crew

    Hi, folks. Just a quick question: With the consolidation of James Carter/William Ball, does that mean there really were 324 Engineering Dept. crewmen (as it presently lists)? If so, then would the total number of those on board and the total number of victims decrease by one? I'm sorry if...
  7. S

    Ernest George Smith

    can anyone tell me anything about this fireman smith . i have only found him on a couple of sites but no information about him. thankyou sue
  8. S

    Engineer's memorial in Glasgow

    Hi there, I recently photogrpahed a little known Titanic memorial in Glasgow City Centre. It is in the former Scottish Engineers institute (now the Scottish Opera Building) in Elmbank Crescent.