
  1. W

    "The Word of an Engineer" - about the Titanic?

    [This is really about marketing, the one topic for which I couldn't find a sub-forum.] Could this poem be a contemporaneous comment on the Titanic's marketing or sinking? My interpretation is that it is an ironic boast of the trust placed in the infallibility of transportation engineers. "The...
  2. Zirnitra

    Engineer with lost fingers

    there was report of seeing engineer with lost fingers and hand covered in blood,did it really happen? if so what could be reason,watertight door cut fingers or something wrong happened in one of boiler rooms that resulted in this kind injury?
  3. J

    William Poole-Apprentice Engineer

    My grandfather William Poole (1993-1957) worked on the building of the Titanic whilst an apprentice engineer at Harland & Wolff. I don’t think there are any surviving records of apprentices at Harland & Wolff of that period. After being in the Royal Engineers during WW1, he joined the Merchant...
  4. K

    Engine room catwalk plans

    I'm having a tough time trying to find any detailed plans on the arrangement of the catwalks for both the reciprocating engine room and for the turbine engine room. I'd like to be able to trace the paths to such spaces as the engineer's workshop and the paint stores compartment - both of which...
  5. Steven Christian

    Titanic engineers (Timeline production)

    This popped up on my YT channel. Don't know if it has been posted before. I don't recall seeing it before. There were a few things I question but nothing major. It was entertaining IMO. It's a dramatized version of what the black gang did below decks so take it for what's it worth. I like the...
  6. Peter Kyhl

    Hermann Rägastik

    I have just written with an Estonian and he told me only one Estonian was onboard Titanic. He told me the name Hermann Rägastik and he should be a survivor and should have been 2nd engineering assistant which must be completely wrong. Here is a link to the Estonian wikipedia page Hermann...
  7. Auden G Minor

    Engineer being carried in bucket?

    I was watching the titanic behind the scenes and I saw what seems to be 2 men carrying an engineering officer in a bucket. I cannot find anything about this scene, it is not in the film or in any of the deleted scenes that I can find. Can somebody tell me what this scene is about?
  8. Auden G Minor

    Engineer body

    I have a question for anyone who may read this. I was looking through the unidentified bodies page when I happened upon a engineers body. This is the discription: (73 Male - Estimated age, 35. Hair, dark. Buried at sea Handkerchief marked 'H. J.'; silver watch; engineer's uniform. Nothing else...
  9. B

    Engineering officers' uniform

    I can't figure out what kind of uniform the engineering officers were wearing. They had uniforms like deck officers?
  10. P

    Engineer Bertie Wilson

    I’m a great-nephew of Bertie Wilson, who was senior assistant second engineer. As a keen family historian, I’ve been collecting information about Bertie for some years, and hope to make contact via this forum with others who have a specific interest in this crew member, especially any of his...
  11. Seumas

    Tool Manifest for Use of Engineers & Electricians

    Has any manifest survived of the number of and different kinds of tools provided for by the White Star Line for use by their engineering crews in an Olympic class ship's engine rooms, boiler rooms and dynamos ? Were the engineers and electricians allowed to bring their own personal tools aboard...
  12. Mel Sharp

    Surviving Engineers?

    Hi everyone, I have repeatedly read that no engineers survived the sinking, however I have just seen a chart on that states two survived, does anyone have any further information on this please?
  13. Charles Francis Dowling

    Where did the Window Cleaners, Extra QMs, and Deck Engineers/Storekeeper sleep?

    Hi, I was just wondering where these people slept because I can't find these people's cabins anywhere and I am making a document for every crew member and passenger that includes where they slept. These are problems. *There seems to be 7 Quartermasters, and the only cabin I find for them is on...
  14. C

    Terry Forrestal (Chief Engineer Bell)

    I wasn't sure where to post this as this is old news but new to me,i never knew he died in 2000 due to a parachuting accident. If only he waited an hour or so someone would have rescued sad.
  15. Ana Florencia Pinton

    About the engineers (duties, ranks, schedules)

    I was wondering about the Engine crew... Their ranks seem quite complicated. Here is what I found on the crew list: - Chief Engineer - Senior Second Engineer - Senior Assistant Second Engineer - Junior Second Engineer - 2 Junior Assistant Second Engineers - Senior Third Engineer - Senior...
  16. L

    Where were any of the engineers last seen?

    I’m an enthusiast in naval history, and I’m also interested in the history of the Titanic. One of the things that puzzled me was the fate of the ship’s engineers. It was said that they had went down with the ship, but from some testimonies (mostly Frederick William Scott and Thomas Patrick...
  17. A

    Black gang and Engineers

    I am very much interested by life and labour of Black gang on Titanic. Please, help me with the answers to the following questions. Thank you! 1. It is known about Black gang monthly rates. But how there was an account, upon trip completion or on daily basis? Whether they could be discharge...
  18. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Letter from Titanic Electrical Engineer William Kelly to Jim Dempsey
  19. A

    Remembering the Engineer's

    May I just take a moment to recall those Engineers and Other Engine Room Staff Who were lost. Some 35 Engineers ALL lost, they must have all stayed below right to the end. This link relates the feelings of the day. Marine Engineer Alex
  20. H

    Chief Engineer Robert H Fleming

    Hi, I am looking for relatives of the late Mr. Robert H. Fleming. Mr. Fleming became during his White Star Line career Chief Engineer of both the Olympic and the second Britannic. In 1917 he retired after 35 years of service for the WSL and died at the age of 67 in June 1925 in Southampton...