
  1. H

    Titanic Explosion Sound: Was It The "Abandon Ship" Signal Misinterpreted?

    Probably a stupid idea, but I had a brainwave, What if the mystery explosion survivors have supposedly heard was Captain Smith or someone blowing the Titanic's Horn / Whistle to tell everyone to abandon ship? As shown in the Titanic: Honor & Glory video of Britannic's sinking, Captain Bartlett...

    Why did the stern trap so much air? And other questions

    Why did the stern trap so much air? I know I might of asked this before, but I just have to know. Also.. Why did the bow dig into the floor of the ocean.. while on the topic of the bow, why did the hatch on the forecastle deck blow off?
  3. G

    Titanic: The New Evidence

    I've been a lurker here for a long time. Currently watching this documentary on Channel 4 here in the U.K. I don't know what to make of this at all. Anyone else watching or planning to watch this?
  4. Paul Rogers


    Whilst reading through Dave Bryceson's book "The Titanic Disaster" which lists newspaper reports in the British National press in 1912, I came across some strange reports... I realise that most newspaper reports at that time could, and should, be taken with a pinch of salt, but I wondered what...