finnish passengers

  1. H

    Johnsons' Finnish-Americans

    A few day ago i came across a very good Finnish site(i live in Finland) about the SURVIVORS of Titanic that were Scandinavian. The Johnson's were listed as Finns, living in America(where children Harold and Eleanor were born), and visiting in Sweden. A relative in Helsinki, Mrs. Johnson's...
  2. K

    New book on the Titanic's Finns in Finnish

    For you, hardcore Titanic fans, a new book about the Titanic’s Finns (in Finnish): Appelsin, Ulla: Titanicin tuntematon lapsi (The Unknown Child of the Titanic) Publisher: Gummerus Kustannus Oy ISBN: 9512064081 Hardcover, 223 pages Available: 01 August 2003 Price: 31,50 euros I have...
  3. V

    William and Anna Amelia Lahtinen

    To Donna Matson or anyone else who may have information on these people. I found a picture in my deceased grandmothers things. On the back it says, Rev. and Mrs. William Lahti and adopted daughter. Drowned in Titanic 1912. Thanks, ginny
  4. Tracy Smith

    Finnish Titanic Survivor on Stockholm

    I am presently resding the book, "Desperate Hours: the Epic Rescue of the Andrea Doria". On pages 80-81, it mentions that a Finnish woman had traveled to Finland on the Stockholm on its previous voyage before its collision with the Andrea Doria. The woman had told the waiter in the dining room...
  5. W

    Finnish passengers

    Would anyone know what finally was the end of passengers from Finland. I would like to knoow about Mr. Sundman, Mr. Stranden, Miss Silven, and Miss Honkanen.