george behe

  1. Seumas

    "The Triumvirate: Captain Edward J. Smith, Bruce Ismay, Thomas Andrews and the Sinking of Titanic" by George Behe

    An new book by George Behe is forthcoming Now this sounds interesting !
  2. M

    Titanic: Memories of a Maiden Voyage by George Behe

    George Behe has a new book available through Its title is "On Board RMS Titanic," and it's described as follows: Details appear here.
  3. Phillip Gowan

    Behe's Titanic Tidbits

    Earlier in the week I popped over to George Behe's website (Titanic Tidbits) for the first time in awhile and found three new pages worth checking out--about Astor, Phillips and the Californian. Apparently George added the pages back in February so if you haven't visited since then, it is worth...
  4. M

    Titanic Psychic Forewarnings of a Tragedy by Behe

    Hello everyone. I'm really humbled by the lengthy lists of Titanic books some of you have. I own only 14. Does anyone have the above mentioned title? It's on an auction site and I'd like to know if it's worthwhile. I borrowed the other Titanic book by George Behe 2 years ago and enjoyed...
  5. J

    Titanic Safety Speed and Sacrifice by George Behe

    I recently read this fairly compact work, and must say I'm very impressed with Mr. Behe's arguments and constructions. While -- as he states in the prefatory notes -- some points can only be made suggestively, not with absolute conviction, George does an admirable job in the presentation of this...