lifeboat 5

  1. Christophe Puttemans

    Pitman at Lifeboat #5

    I may have found some conflicting evidence regarding the lowering of lifeboat #5. It starts when Pitman recalled the boat was still unprepared at ca. 12:20 A.M.: Ioannis Georgiou explained why Boat #5 was still unprepared at the time: Due to the design of the new davits, boat #5 had to wait...
  2. Z

    Trying to find info on Lifeboat 5...

    I am related by marriage (husbands Great Grandfather) to survivor Elgar John Guy, Boot steward. We know he was on Lifeboat 5, poss in charge and that he saved a 1st Class passenger Mrs J Taylor. I would like to find out as much as possible. Would much appreciate some help as this is the first...
  3. R

    Lifeboat 5 transfers

    I know there is a lot of discussion (in the past) about the transfers from 5 to 7... To complete my book on Helen Bishop, I am missing one transfer person...I have Mrs. Dodge and her son, Mr. Calderhead and Mr. Flynn...Who would have been the other person? Not that it really matters to the...