lucky pig

  1. Edith Russell (Rosenbaum) with William Macquitty

    Edith Russell (Rosenbaum) with William Macquitty

    London Reunion ... recalls Ship tragedy
  2. Dave Gittins

    A Pig on the Titanic

    Not a glutton among the crew, but the music box in the form of a pig carried by Edith Russell/Rosenbaum. This is a book for the kids, by Gary Crew, with illustrations by Bruce Whatley. Published by Harper Collins in 2005. It might serve as a present to get somebody interested in Titanic...
  3. Inger Sheil

    NMM and Walter Lord Collection

    A source has just told me that items from the Walter Lord collection are now on display at the NMM, including the pig-of-great-fame. This seems have been done with remarkably little fanfare, although there was some media from Greenwich...