memorable lines

  1. JTDillon

    A GREAT line/scene from "Titanic" (1997) I missed

    Hello everyone! I just finished watching "Titanic" (1997) and I wanted to talk about a certain scene that caught my attention. I've seen the film approx. 6 times and I never really gave this specific scene any thought until now. If you'd like to read some pretentious nonsense you came to the...
  2. Cam Houseman

    What is your favorite line from the 1997 Titanic movie?

    I don't know why, but I like when the man in the Lifeboat (Boxhall, I think) says, "Bloody Pull Faster and PULL!" oh, and I like Murdoch's line after seeing A-Deck awash, "Gets those Davits cranked in. Get the falls hooked up!". You really get the sense they're getting desperate
  3. R

    No Sir Ripped ber like a tin opener

    does anybody recall if this line came from ANTR or Titanic (1953) ?? i always remember that officer telling that to Captain Smith's after he asked "Can we shore up ?? " ... was he referring to the pumps ? How much damage could be sustained for the pumps to be of any use ?