navratil family

  1. Encyclopedia Titanica

    A Titanic passenger research quest

    A Titanic passenger research quest Research in French archives revealed the real reason why Michel Navratil abducted his children and took them aboard the Titanic
  2. Navratil family on passenger list

    Navratil family on passenger list

  3. Arun Vajpey

    Navratil children in case the Titanic had not sunk

    One of the things that I often wonder while thinking "What If the Titanic had not sunk?" is whether Michel Navratil would successfully have disappeared in the US with his children. Given the times, he probably would have done just that and the two children would have grown-up as Americans...
  4. T

    Photo of Collapible D

    Hi, I'm looking for any photos of collapsible D with the survivors in it. In particular I would like to know if all the people in the photos have been identified. I have found a few on the internet but they have little information. A relative of mine (Mary Kelly) was on collapsible D. Thanks.