
  1. J

    An easy way to get a spreadsheet of each passenger's room?

    I am looking to compile each passenger's data into a single Excel sheet. I'm able to get their demographic data (name, age, etc), and some Titanic data (ticket number, ticket price, survival), but I'm wondering if there's an easy way to get each person's room number that we have information for...
  2. Zhang Beichen

    How were the people in other nationalities treated after they reached NY?

    As far as I know, six Chinese survivors were discriminated badly. So I wonder if people of other nationalities are treated this way? Or it was just occurred among those poor Chinese guys.....
  3. William Oakes

    1897 SS Majestic Passenger list

    Looking for some help. I am trying to identify a passenger who was first class on board SS Majestic, July 21, 1897. State Room 111 Passenger may have the last name of Kurtz. Anyone with access to this passnger list that could help me. I would be very grateful! Thank You! William
  4. F

    Mon projet sur le Titanic et les passagers

    bonjour à tous je vous contacte car je m'intéresse au Titanic.J'ai comme projet de créer un magazine concernant les passagers et les membres d'equipages du Titanic.Nous recherchons des photos, temoignages . une rubrique hommage sera à votre disposition pour rendre hommage aux disparus du titanic...
  5. D

    Why the interest?

    I have a relative who was a passenger on the Titanic. His body was recovered by the crew of the Mackay-Bennett but as a third-class passenger he was returned to the sea after his details were noted down. Having read some of the posts on the forums I am intrigued as to the reasons contributors...
  6. Bob Read

    Passenger Safety Procedures

    In the event of high seas and/or severe weather, would passengers have been prevented from using the passenger promenades or weather decks? The reason I ask is that it seems unlikely that an emergency boat would be launched in those conditions for a man overboard.
  7. Bob Read

    Question Passenger Safety Procedures

    Were there sea/weather conditions in which passengers would be forbidden access to the promenades and weather decks? The reason I ask is that under severe conditions I would assume that an emergency boat wouldn’t be launched for a man overboard.
  8. Arun Vajpey

    William Henry Tornquist

    William Henry Törnquist : Titanic Survivor I remembered Tornquist after reading a post about August Johnson (Johansson) recently and looking up the details on ET. Those two men, along with William Cahoone Johnson Jr., Lionel Leonard, Alfred Carver and Thomas Storey were employees of the...
  9. M

    Passenger Manifests

    I'm going to state right away that I know without a doubt that Titanic and Olympic were NOT switched. I just wanted to post this photo of the recapitulation sheet from the passenger manifests from Queenstown, as it is odd how Olympic was scratched out and Titanic written in it's place. Dates...
  10. H

    Help with a supposed passenger or crew member.

    Does anyone have information on a “Henry Hilton Thompson”, he is my Great grandmother’s brother and is said to have died on the Titanic. He was born in New Zealand in 1883, to Irish/New Zealand parents, and by all accounts seems to have been a bit of a ratbag having skiffles with the law as a...