
  1. N

    Is there a chart showing the discharge port locations for Titanic?

    I know that there is a discharge port location diagram for Olympic, but is there one for Titanic? The plumbing would be different due to Titanic undergoing modifications after Olympic's maiden voyage. So is there any place to find such a chart?
  2. N

    1913 Olympic discharge port diagram.

    Does anyone know where that pdf of Olympic's sanity/discharge ports is? Don't mistake them for the engine outlets, i meant those hole along the water line where dirty water drained into the ocean. I don't know if I'm misremembering, but i think i last saw it in Marl Chirmside's site.
  3. C

    Would the stern section sink if port windows were closed?

    Would the stern section have stayed afloat if all port windows were ordered closed? The stern section had the water tight doors closed, and with the ports closed, would the stern have stayed afloat long enough for the Carpathia to get there? The ship broke behind the third funnel, but it was...
  4. Severin Vogt

    What if the Britannic was struck on the other side?

    What if the Britannic struck the mine on the port side instead of the starboard side? Would that have an effect on the sinking besides for a list on the opposite side?