
  1. Encyclopedia Titanica

    [A premonition of the Titanic disaster]

    [A premonition of the Titanic disaster] J. Connon Middleton’s prophetic dream of the Titanic disaster days before its sinking—a mysterious and haunting premonition.
  2. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Premonitions of the Titanic Disaster

    Information from Terry Keefe about his new book Premonitions of the Titanic Disaster: Terry Keefe's new publication, Premonitions of the Titanic Disaster (Matador, 2021, 424 pp, Amazon US, UK), is the only book in English on the topic for over thirty years, and the first to set out all of the...
  3. Arun Vajpey

    Events during departure

    In his book The Maiden Voyage author Geoffrey Marcus mentions several minor events that occurred just as the Titanic left the harbour and sailed towards the English Channel. Some of these sound like speculative embellishment while others may well be true. I want to check if there is basis of...
  4. J

    Ominous Warnings for Disaster

    There seams to be a group of people out there that believe that the Titanic was doomed from the start, bound to approach a disaster, or even judged by God. It is an interesting philosophy although hard to prove. Does anyone have a comment on this? This is what I have found on the subject...
  5. J

    Morgan Robertson's Futility

    In case anyone of you are wondering, Futility, is a book written by an English writer Morgan Robertson. Its about an imaginary account of a collision between a large trans-Atlantic oceanliner and an iceberg on her maiden voyage to New York. He called his ship the Titan. Now look at these. The...
  6. M

    Titanic Psychic Forewarnings of a Tragedy by Behe

    Hello everyone. I'm really humbled by the lengthy lists of Titanic books some of you have. I own only 14. Does anyone have the above mentioned title? It's on an auction site and I'd like to know if it's worthwhile. I borrowed the other Titanic book by George Behe 2 years ago and enjoyed...
  7. D


    Does anyone believe this book, written by Morgan Robertson to be a premonition of the Titanic disaster? I believe that Its very possible,that this book foretold of the disaster, of course some people probably would'nt have believed such a story, And if they had read the book, they unlikely would...