priests / ministers

  1. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Berufung / Titanic

    Berufung / Vocation Titanic A biography (in German and English) of Father Benedikt Joseph Peruschitz of Bavaria, Germany, lost in the North Atlantic along with 1,495 Titanic passengers and crew members. Have you read this book? What did you think?
  2. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Ernest Courtenay Carter
  3. P

    Joseph Montvila

    My Great Grandfather, a Lithuanian immigrant to London died there in April 1912 aged 42. His was the first funeral to be conducted in the newly consecrated church of St Casimir just off Hackney road in London. The young Lithuanian Priest who conducted the service was father Juozas Montvila who a...
  4. Encyclopedia Titanica

  5. M

    Father Byles sermon

    Hi the sermon/reading that James Lancaster as Father Byles is giving as the Ship nears it's end from the Bible? If so could someone tell me where in the Bible it is please......
  6. V

    Father Browne

    Was "Father" his name? What was his job, his full name etc. Thank you
  7. L

    F M Browne

    I know that Father F. M. Browne was a first class passenger on the Titanic, because of the photos. Yet when I look at the first class passenger list, I don't see him. Was this because he got off at Queenstown?
  8. D

    Catholic Service in 2nd Class

    I've wondered this... If there were no first class Catholic services, could the first class Catholics go to second class for the service there? I assumed that they could; wasn't the mixing of 1st and 2nd class not as "scandalous" as 1st and 3rd?
  9. T

    Sunday Service

    I have heard conflicting reports on Sunday services on the Titanic. I know there were 3 services for each class, but were different classes allowed to go to other classes services, such as a 3rd class person being allowed in 1st class services, can anyone clarify this subject for that you very...
  10. L

    Father Browne's Ticket

    Hi! I was looking at the list of Cross Chanel passengers, and noticed that Father Browne's Ticket number is the same as the 5 people of the O'Dell family....purchased by Mr H. O'Dell (not traveling) for 6 adults. tkt.84 for 24pounds. (Sorry don't know how to make the symbol for it LOL) Anyway...
  11. J

    Fr Thomas Roussel Davids Byles

    Your site is very good, My Great uncle was Father Thomas Roussel Byles of the second class. I have a letter from him posted in Queenstown.I can scan and send if you are interested. He is mentioned in many books as praying and hearing confessions till the end. He was on his way to officiate the...