quartermaster george rowe

  1. Arun Vajpey

    QM Rowe's exact position

    We have all read repeatedly that QM George Rowe was on "Poop Deck Watch" at the time the Titanic struck the iceberg. But what I have not been able to find out (might have missed it) is whether this meant he could have been anywhere on the poop deck - a fairly large area - or was he required to...
  2. J

    Rowe spotting a lifeboat

    I am compiling a time line and something doesnt add up. Rowe says he saw a lifeboat in the water at about 12:25. He called the bridge and was ordered to get the rockets by Boxhall. The first rocket was fired at 12:45 However, the first lifeboat (7) was lowered at 12 45 as well...
  3. D

    QM Rowe and the poop deck watch during the sinking

    There have been a few issues that have sprung to my mind during the sinking and they regard to QM Rowe.In all fairness he did alot of good things that night and played a heroic role in saving lives and rowing lifeboats ect.So please dont think of this thread as a attack on him.My questions are...
  4. Encyclopedia Titanica

    George Thomas Rowe
