
  1. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Amateur radio heard SOS in Welsh town 2,000 miles away
  2. Gordon Mooneyhan

    Amateur radio

    Back in the day, Cunard ships also included amateur "ham" radio equipment, and any licensed amateur radio operator could operate the amateur radio equipment upon showing their government-issued license. Queen Mary 1 has the station onboard and it was operational until the ship was closed to the...
  3. H

    Radio Questions

    Probably a silly question but I find it difficult to get my head round how the ship radio actually worked. I haven’t seen any reference to a ticker tape being used for receiving messages. It is quoted that Phillips could send 39 words a minute!!! This would not be much use if the receiver wasn’t...
  4. R

    Any experts on the Marconi Marine here?

    I am fascinated by Morse code, so much so that, for a couple projects I am working on, I am trying to replicate messages sent between the Titanic and other ships. Here are two samples: “-- .-- .-.. - --- -- --. -.---: … .- -.--- --- .-.. -.. --- .- -. , .-- . .- .-. . … - --- .--. .--. ...