
  1. Marie L

    Number of safety jackets

    Do we know the exact number of safety jackets that were onboard,? How many people wore it on the lifeboats? And compare that number with the number of bodies found floating in the water? And yet another question, the first to see these bodies floating, by day , came to the area how long, days...
  2. Bob Read

    Passenger Safety Procedures

    In the event of high seas and/or severe weather, would passengers have been prevented from using the passenger promenades or weather decks? The reason I ask is that it seems unlikely that an emergency boat would be launched in those conditions for a man overboard.
  3. Bob Read

    Question Passenger Safety Procedures

    Were there sea/weather conditions in which passengers would be forbidden access to the promenades and weather decks? The reason I ask is that under severe conditions I would assume that an emergency boat wouldn’t be launched for a man overboard.
  4. minhong

    Question The armament of an oceanliner crew

    I wonder how far the crew was allowed to be arm. Just a pistol? *Im korean. I have a bad english ability so english can be unnatural