saved from the titanic (1912 film)

  1. Jason D. Tiller

    News The First Titanic Movie Released 85 Years Before Cameron's (But It's Lost)

    James Cameron's Titanic is the best-known adaptation of the tragedy of the Titanic, but the first one was released a month after the sinking.
  2. L

    Saved from the Titanic film

    I haven't seen this subject discussed in detail on this board (if it is and I have missed it, I apologize for the redundancy!) - I recently did some research on the short (approx. 10-minute) Dorothy Gibson film "Saved from the Titanic" and found it quite intriguing. Apparently it was filmed...
  3. R

    Dorothy Gibson movie found

    No, not the one you think! But one of Dorothy Gibson’s films has been located and is now undergoing conservation by the American Film Institute. While confirmation of its condition is preliminary and its future availability status has not been determined, the survival of this one-reel motion...
  4. C

    I got some INFORMATION on the LOST 1912movie

    Hi everyone. I have a video myself, called "TITANIC TRADEDY AT SEA" it has two films callind "ECHOES OF TITANIC" & "TITANIC REMEMBERD" Anyhow, on my First tape "ECHOES OF TITANIC" they talk about the lost filmed called "SAVED FROM THE TITANIC" Staring Dorothy Gibbson. It was the first Titanic...
  5. K

    The 1912 lost film

    Is it really lost? Somebody has watched it in Germany... And others do say that it is lost!!! Who must we know? Even if it is not commercialized any more,could we watch it somewhere?