
  1. William Oakes

    Harland & Wolff, Titanic and Olympic smoking room tiles

    During my recent visit to Belfast Ireland, in October 2023, I visited the former Headqurters of Harland and Woflf. It is now a hotel called the Titanic Hotel. I explained that I was a Titanic researcher from the United States and I was given free reign to roam about. The drawing office is mostly...
  2. E

    More Trivia For You...

    Reproductions of ashtrays from the Titanic are absent from the artifacts reproductions sales. Does this mean no one smoked on the Titanic (LOL), or is political correctness now manipulating history for our own good.
  3. T

    Smoking etiquette

    Hello. Just a couple of questions. 1)Were passengers aloud to smoke in any other public rooms other than the Smoking Room? (i.e Dining Saloon, Lounge, Parisian Cafe?) 2)What about young smokers? Was it ok for 15-16yr olds to smoke in 1912? How about consuming alcohol? Thanks, Tommy
  4. Hitch

    Havana cigars

    This is maybe a weird question but did the first class men smoked Havana cigars? -Carl
  5. T

    What brands of tobbacco were available on Titanic

    Anyone know what brands of cigar,ciggarettes and/or pipe tobacco was available on Titanic? As an occasional smoker of good Cuban stogies and as a pipe smoker, i have often asked my self this question. I assume the favored cigars enjoyed in the 1st class Smoking Room were Cuban- were they...
  6. Mark Chirnside

    Growing & Smoking

    I was 'informed' last week that smoking was much more widespread in 1912. True. But I also heard that first class passengers could grow weed on the Titanic; I couldn't stop laughing. Untrue!(?) Oh dear. I can imagine lots of plant pots hidden in the en-suites, or the engine room! Best...