survivor accounts

  1. J

    Collection of survivors' accounts

    Hello I am re-posting this as my topic's seem to be deleted or do not appear even though it says I am the last poster in a topic. I hope this is the correct part of the forum. I would be very grateful if someone could tell me what the best book is (if there is one)for Titanic survivor...
  2. D

    Sound recordings of survivor accounts

    I am interested in compiling a digital archive of any sound recordings of any Titanic survivor's recollections, opinions and any other Titanic related information. Digital copies of radio broadcasts, 78rpm records and speeches are sought. Web links or information leading to other collections...
  3. D

    Undiscovered Accounts of Titanic Survivors

    Do you think at this late date of 2008, that there is somewhere stashed away in some old trunk, some drawer, or whatever, any unpublished accounts of a Titanic survivor?
  4. T

    What are some of the most overlooked survivor's accounts

    Both Archibald Gracie and Lawrence Beesley seem to get the spotlight in regards to being the 'definative' passenger/survivor's accounts of the Titanic disaster- Are there any survivor's accounts that for some curious reason have been overshadowed, overlooked or neglected by the Titanic...
  5. M

    Survivor's Accounts

    Hey guys, Any ideas which survivor's accounts appear to agree with our best understandings of the technical aspects of the sinking today? It's amazing how many people witnessing the same event can give such varying accounts of what transpired. I've seen this happen in day to day events, I...
  6. A

    First Person Survivor Accounts

    Maybe this has been done already, but I should very much like to see a comprehensive volume of first person accounts by survivors only (other than Bride, Beesley etc.) There is so much information on ET alone that surely some of this could be collated and published? I get very tired of...
  7. A

    Anywhere to see/read newspaper accounts online

    hello everyone,hope you WELL, WOW,what a site)glad i found it. Question is there anywhere on the internet to see/read the ACTUAL newspaper accounts,(maybe N,Y times or papers in Britian) about the sinking,?
  8. J

    Titanic LP recording

    Recently, at a yard sale, I bought a pile of LP records. One is a recording by some of the survivors, about the sinking. It is call, "Titanic, The Unforgetable Story As Told By Survivors of This Most Incredible Marine Disaster". At the bottom of the front cover is, "The complete original award...
  9. Steven Hall

    Interesting Eyewitness Accounts

    “Scarcely any of the lifeboats were properly manned. Two, filled with woman and children, capsized before our eyes.” Jack Foley, lifeboat No 4. Page 154. * * * * * * * * “One statement I want to correct, the lights did not go out, at least not while I was on board. When I ran to the deck I...
  10. V

    Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Recordings

    In the article submitted by Trent Pheifer "Titanic Survivors Recall The Night to Remember" it mentions a long playing record with interviews from passengers and crew. Has anyone ever heard this recording? What is the availability of the recording? I thought it was fascinating that there was a...
  11. T

    Boxhall audio recording

    I have heard snippets of Boxhall's voice, telling the tale of the Titanic disaster. Is this Boxhall narrative available in unedited form, and if so, where can I get a copy? Tarn Stephanos
  12. N

    "The sinking of the Titanic eyewitnesses accounts"

    Hello! I have a book called 'The sinking of the Titanic eyewitnesses accounts' which states it was 1st published in 1912. Can anyone give more info on this book? Does it deserve credit in terms of the tales of witnesses being truly true? Nuno
  13. T

    Published first person accounts of the Lusitania sinking

    When reading about any shipwreck, i prefer reading first person accounts- Id much rather read the account of someone who was there, over the account of an author who was born decades after the disaster occoured. Thus for Titanic books, the Thayer,Gracie,Beesley,Lightoller and US and Brit...
  14. Beth Barber

    Third Class Passenger Accounts of the Disaster

    Hi All - I have looked through the topics to see if this was already asked and answered but I didn't have much luck finding anything. Have there been any books or articles written from Third Class Survivors accounts of the disaster? I think it would be intersting to know what they thought...
  15. Michael Shetina

    Survivor Quotes and Accounts

    I would like to start a list of qutes and recollections of the Titanic's passengers. Please add on whatever you may know.
  16. T

    Any votes for the most facinating accounts of interior flooding

    Naurally most of the accounts from surviors were from the perspective of being on the boat deck, or in the lifeboats. I have been trying to assemble accounts by survivors who witnessed the flooding deep within the ship. Any votes for the most interesting accounts? My picks are: *Officer...
  17. J

    Newspaper accounts of some reactions

    "Crazed by Wreck Talk" The New York Times April 18,1912 Atlantic City, N.J., April 17.- Crazed by brooding over the Titanic disaster, Joseph Fisher of this city last night became violenty insane. He was taken to the County Asylum after a struggle with a half a dozen policemen. Although...
  18. R

    Madeleine Astor's account of Titanic sinking

    Here is the full account of Mrs. Astor's experiences in the Titanic sinking as they were related to family members and then reported to the press. This is from an unidentified, undated clipping from a New York newspaper, probably the New York Herald or American, of about April 22-25, 1912...
  19. Dave Gittins

    Mystery recording

    I recently acquired a tape containing passages from old interviews with survivors. It's not properly documented, though I can recognise some by their stories, such as Robert Hichens remembering the abuse he copped. The one that's got me intrigued is an American woman who sounds like a film...
  20. C

    Passengers' accounts

    Hi! Does anyone know where I can find Mrs Harris and Mrs Crosby accounts of the disaster, and Lady Duff Gordon memoirs? I have already seen some bits of Lady Duff memoirs but I can not find exactly where I see it. Best regards, Charles