third officer herbert pitman

  1. Dan E. Parkes

    1954 newspaper article on Pitman's life story

    I recently discovered a fascinating 1954 newspaper article in which Third Officer Herbert Pitman tells his life story, including that he suffered from sea sickness and lost a comprehensive collection of stamps in the Titanic disaster. It is a rare insight into an officer who never published an...
  2. Seumas

    Did the Surviving Officers Remain in Touch With One Another?

    Did any of Charles Lightoller, Herbert Pitman, Joseph Boxhall and Harold Lowe keep in touch in the years following the disaster or not ? Boxhall and Pitman did at least meet once more (and were pictured together) in 1958 at the London premiere of A Night To Remember.
  3. Christophe Puttemans

    Pitman at Lifeboat #5

    I may have found some conflicting evidence regarding the lowering of lifeboat #5. It starts when Pitman recalled the boat was still unprepared at ca. 12:20 A.M.: Ioannis Georgiou explained why Boat #5 was still unprepared at the time: Due to the design of the new davits, boat #5 had to wait...
  4. S

    The Pitman Memorandum

    The Pitman Memorandum appears on pages 420 and 421 of the US Inquiry transcript. There is an anomaly in Day 1, in that the printed hours and mileage do not produce the knots cited, unlike on other days. This document would appear to be a typed up copy of an original handwritten note...
  5. C

    Least recognised officer

    Is it me or was Mr Pitman the least recognised officer? If so for what reasons? Also, did he ever talk about Titanic?
  6. A

    3rd officer Pitman in the movie

    Did Pittman show up in any part of this movie? I dont think i saw him in any parts. did any1 see him? Andy
  7. M

    Third Officer Herbert John Pitman

    Hi, Does anyone have any information about the immediate family of this crew member. According to the records, he was born and buried in Somerset which is where my family are from. Apparently he was not married at the time of the titanic, but does anyone have any knowledge and names of any...
  8. Inger Sheil

    Pitman's Own Private Iceberg

    Every now and then research runs parallel, and a colleague/rival/mate beats you to the publication punch...Sen's done it here with Pitman, and kudoes to him - it's a great piece, exploring an interesting aspect of the life and career of one of the less-explored figures of the disaster. Jemma and...
  9. C


    Heya, On this site there is a picture of Pitman getting off the Adriatic. A larger version of this picture shows him talking to two women. Does anyone know who they were as I understood he wasn't married until after the Titanic sank - although, come to think of it, it could be his sisters...
  10. L

    Pitman in the Movie

    Hey everyone, I have the book Jame's Cameron's Titanic which is the fantastic book detailing the making of the movie. There is a picture of Captain Smith with his officers, that includes Third Officer Pitman (played by Kevin de la Noy, according to the book). However, I also own the...
  11. M

    Third Officer Herbert Pitman

    I am new to this board and am wondering about something. I have been reading and studying about Titanic for the last four or five years. I read somewhere that White Star Line required among other things that their officers not only be trained in sail but that they also be members of the Royal...