titanic websites

  1. Oliver K

    Marconigraph.com - Offline

    Hello, i have just attempted to access www.marconigraph.com (this was a great website lots of information, it really did help kickstart my interest for titanic) to find some information that i forgot to help someone on a different forum and found out the website is offline, it seems like all the...
  2. M

    TitanicBookSitecom RIP

    Hello all, Loooong time no chat. Unfortunately I'm not back with good news. The implosion of the American economy has affected me as much as anybody. I have always kept my site up on my own dollar. It was only moderately expensive, so even after I stopped updating it, I planned on keeping it...
  3. R

    Titanic in Movies & Television

    Perhaps the board has been directed to this website before, but I found it a treasure trove of Titanic movies and television shows. I was fascinated by three things: First, there was a second movie after the 1953 Fox "Titanic" that used the sets and model footage. We knew that Fox used the...
  4. M

    Matthew Chapman's site

    what about my site? http://web.archive.org/web/20060527035244/http://www.freewebs.com/cluedokid25/
  5. Phillip Gowan

    Behe's Titanic Tidbits

    Earlier in the week I popped over to George Behe's website (Titanic Tidbits) for the first time in awhile and found three new pages worth checking out--about Astor, Phillips and the Californian. Apparently George added the pages back in February so if you haven't visited since then, it is worth...