v-break theory

  1. Aurélien WOLFF

    Why would someone believe in the V break theory?

    Serious question because it has already been debunked a lot+impossible when you take in count the law of physics : ( agood debunk from titanic animations)
  2. A

    How the break-up occurred

    The heavy weight of the engines was causing a bend in Titanic's double bottom. Does this mean the double bottom was weakened and did the breakup start there? this would go perfectly with the V breakup theory, because the double bottom would of held on and water would seep through, causing the...
  3. Kyle Naber

    V Break Theory

    Popular opinion of the breakup of Titanic is that the bow sunk until the forward funnel collapsed and then it split just in front of the third funnel. However, this video recreates the survivor accounts that suggest otherwise: youtube:CsaDyavJo1U Because of the at least six...