vincent astor

  1. Melinda R

    How much was the reward Vincent Astor gave crew members of the Mackay-Bennett for finding JJ Astor's body?

    How much was the reward Vincent Astor gave crew members of the Mackay-Bennett for finding JJ Astor's body? I've found conflicting amounts - $10,000 one source. Another source said it was $100,000 split among the M-B crew each receiving $2500. Also can't find a number for how many crew were on...
  2. M

    Brooke (Mrs. Vincent) Astor

    This thread replaces an old one which existed until yesterday, but was apparently lost during the board outage last night. This message duplicates one that I posted to the now-lost thread yesterday before it disappeared. Brooke Astor, the widow of Vincent Astor (son of JJA and Ava Willing)...