
  1. Zhang Beichen

    Rooms only for men and only for women?

    In the Edwardian Era, gender seperation was commonly seen, some facilities were only for men and others for women. Was there any facilities just like that? I know the smoke room were basically for men only, and the Reading & Writing room were designated for "ladie's boudoir". Was there anything...
  2. Melinda R

    Question Female Embalmers for Women and Child in Halifax

    I am very interested in finding out more information on Annie F. O'Neil (from New Brunswick) and her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Walsh (from St. John) and Miss Nellie Remby. Annie and Elizabeth were selected to embalm all the female victims as well as the one child. Nellie Remby, nurse, ran the...
  3. Marie L

    Unidentified women

    In 1912, was 13 unidentified bodies of women and teenage girl, I find from that page: https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/description-of-unidentified-bodies.html Numbers: #3/#5/#8/#12/#13/#54/#55/#63/#76/#132/#210/#281/and #328 Am I right? Is this the complete list of bodies from all ships...
  4. B

    Survival of the Third Class women

    Does anyone have an opinion on the correctness / accuracy of this statement from Gleicher's _Rescue of the Third Class..._ (p. 96): "...the thing that ultimately set apart the Third Class women and children (and the Second Class men) from their counterparts in other classes, especially the...
  5. Jason D. Tiller

    News Midlands Woman's Titanic Journey Shared To Raise Funds For Women's Refuge

    The story of a midlands woman, who was on the Titanic, is being shared to raise money for a women's refuge. https://www.midlands103.com/news/entertainment/midlands-womans-titanic-journey-shared-to-raise-funds-for-womens-refuge/
  6. Jason D. Tiller

    News Book review: Ocean liner travel and transformative tales of women

    For a long time the only women allowed on ships were bare-breasted ones on a figurehead carved on the prow — “believed to bring good luck.” But then women in stultifying jobs began wondering about other options and they were off and running, or I should say sailing and “cresting the waves.” A...
  7. Jason D. Tiller

    News Relative of Titanic boss who supposedly abandoned women and children to drown insists he was 'no coward'

    So much has been written about the sinking of the fateful ship with the loss of 1,200 lives you might think there's not much more to say. https://www.mylondon.news/news/nostalgia/relative-titanic-boss-who-supposedly-22204666 Note: This article contains some errors.
  8. H

    3rd class women who refused to get into boats

    When one thinks of women who refused to leave husbands or refused to get into a lifeboat, we often thing of 1st and 2nd class women who had the privilege of time and choice! ON the flip side we often think of steerage passages emerging towards the end of the lifeboats going - and being...
  9. Arun Vajpey

    The women near Collapsible A

    I found that Steward Edward Brown's testimony before the British Inquiry was one of the better ones in the sense that his answers were clear cut with very little of the waffling that occurred with many other witnesses. Based on his account, I am trying to find out the probable identities of the...
  10. R

    Third class women's forward lavatory

    Hi, Third Class single women, and women who were coupled or with their family were provided cabins to the aft of the ship. But there is a 'Woman's' lavatory on F Deck in the Third Class permanent area at the front of the ship! Does anyone know why this is? Many thanks :)
  11. Dan Kappes

    Did any mothers give their infants or children to other women boarding the lifeboats?

    I was inspired to ask this question after seeing a scene in the Family Guy episode Stewie, Chris, & Brian's Excellent Adventure in which the three characters mentioned in the episode title end up on the Titanic during their time-traveling adventure. In the episode, the three title characters...
  12. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Lost Ladies : 12 second class women lost on the Titanic

    On the Titanic, there were 95 ladies over the age of 12 travelling second class. 83 of these (87.4%) were saved. How come twelve of the ladies in second class were lost? Titanica! Sat, 06 Jan 2018 Continue reading...
  13. A

    Heroism from Women in Lifeboats

    Over the years the heroic efforts from ladies such as Margaret Brown have been published in the American press many times over the years, but were they true? Here is an article that may shed light on the matter from a British perspective. Is it possible that some ladies thought they were...
  14. A

    Hazard for Women on the Grand Staircase?

    Is it true that passengers had to walk single file on the Grand staircase? Was this a hazard? Walking up and down the Grand staircase while at sea must have been very alarming for the women. I understand they wore clothing so tight that their skirts were known as 'hobble skirts' and they...
  15. Charles Francis Dowling

    Third Class Women in Bow

    Hello to everyone, After looking at many records, including the Joseph/Peter (Katrin Yusuf) family from Lebanon and The Fatal Journey of Third Class Men on the Titanic which shows info that at least 9 Third Class women were in the forward section, I was wondering if there are accounts of...
  16. Arun Vajpey

    3 Women and Collapsible D

    As I understand, Collapsible D, the last lifeboat to be properly launched from the sinking Titanic, was lowered at 02:05 am. When it was picked-up later by the Carpathia, there were over 20 empty places in it. Since it was a Port side boat with Lightoller enforcing his "women and children only"...
  17. K

    Ballad of the Women of the Titanic

    Based on my research, I wrote and with my ad hoc band the Vagibonds performed this ballad. I'm not a professional singer, but I am a professional writer and have not had time to write more about this amazing woman who went on as a volunteer on the French front in WW I. Here's the link: The...
  18. G

    Photos of second class women who perished

    hello everybody, i wanted only too ask , are there any photos of the 12 second class women who perished. i had photos of Mrs. Corey, Mrs. Lahtinen, Mrs. Corbett and Miss Funk but are there any photos of Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Turpin, Mrs. Mack, Miss Yvois, Miss Hiltunen, Mrs. Carter...
  19. G

    Women and children on the Sultana

    where there any women and children on the sultana? and when did the last survivor die Gianni
  20. Encyclopedia Titanica

    Titanic Women Memorial in Washington DC
