
  1. Duck_Dur

    Reading and writing room lights

    Hello, I have a question regarding the reading and writing room lights, in particular, the “electrolier” lights manufacturer by Perry & Co. What are the dimensions of these lights and what made them special? Many thanks,
  2. Ellie Stevenson

    Ship of Haunts: the other Titanic story

    Hello everyone Ship of Haunts: the other Titanic story is a time-crossing ghost story about Titanic, child migration and life as a ghost under the sea. It's currently available FREE as an e-book on Amazon until Sunday (19 August 2012). Amazon.com: Ship of Haunts: the other Titanic story...
  3. R

    Why is most Titanic fiction so bad & what I am doing about it

    Why is most Titanic fiction so bad & what I am doing about it Why is most Titanic fiction in print so bad? The only novel I ever enjoyed related to it was Clive Cussler's famous "what if" Raise The Titanic! I disliked B. Bainbridge's Every Man For Himself as too predictable and too blah and...
  4. E

    My Titanic

    Hey Everyone, My name is Erica and I am new here although I have had a love of the Titanic for a very very long time. I know this is a piece of writing but this is a acount of a 3rd class passenger on the Titanic and I am using it for my course work in my course at uni. I was wonderin if you...
  5. D

    Titanic Related Poetry

    Wondering if anyone out there has written any poetry on the great lady? I have written two such poems and am working on a third. Now, I am no Dylan Thomas,Carl Sanberg or Walt Whittman, but I do love to write my musings on her. Anyone else as sappy as me? -Don