>>"Did Senan know of this letter
before he wrote the article? [almost certainly - its the next page in the file! - PL] Plenty of food for thought! ... You've surprised me!"<<
Actually I did not know of this letter before I wrote the article.
>>> Come on, it was on the next page! We both perused the same file!
I can't why I would have missed it, had it been the next page in the file. I would instead have photographed it.
I will certainly have to go and look for it next time I am in Liverpool and have the opportunity. (Not the forthcoming BTS convention, unfortunately.)
But I don't see that it contradicts Rowe's 1963 statement that he did not adjust his watch. In fact it does not do that.
>> Come on! He says that he did not see or think of his watch!
And the questions, without being sidetracked, give Rowe the opportunity to make any contradiction or re-contradiction he wants.
Meanwhile there are about five or six arguments adduced in my article from the Inquiry evidence and a priori from common sense as to why Rowe would not have adjusted his watch.
Separately, If I missed a letter in the file, the question equally redounds as to whether Rowe's reported stout denial of a theory advanced in modern times by
George Behe was seen and ignored?
Or missed?
>>> Again, mention of your nemsis Mr.Behe. Do you have a grudge against him? Based on tbe "infamous hoax" explanation you expound, this seems resonable.
I can't answer that. But I can clarify what Jim said about a nasty and appally act by one ET member in "accusing him of illegally reproducing images, for which he had actually obtained formal permission to use..."
>>> Fair enought, but there are other accusations. Did you attribute the pictures and comments in "The Irish aboard ...." maybe, maybe not. People who don't post here anywhere make me think not, so I can't comment.
Actually I had full prior permission to photograph material, and then I obtained permission to reproduce documents in the Rowe file that are the actual copyright of the MMSA successor organisation, Nautilus.
>> Like to see it.
I know the person who granted that permission, I have his documentary express grant, and I know that he has not subsequently made any other grant.
I mention that by the by, given the deep irony of the complaint made to MMM and Paul Lee's failure to respond to a private email I subsequently sent to him about that affair. I should say I have a long standing connection with person/s to whom the spiteful complaint was made.
>> Oh yes, your pretend "Without prejudice" email, which is invalid unless it was sent by someone without connection to the proceedings in hand. Hence "without prejudice".
There's a right of reply on that right here.
But you see, Jim, the photographs I used in a previous article were in my own copyright. The MMM checked theirs, and none of theirs were used, contrary to what was alleged, so it is not true to say that I had permission to reproduce theirs.
In fact none of theirs were reproduced by me.
BTW, a full article on the 1h33 time difference cited by Titanic officers in evidence in 1912 and transmitted by the
Carpathia, is in the new issues of Voyage and the Atlantic Daily Bulletin.
>> And probably full of selective evidence, with little in the way of evidence.
Furthermore all images in my forthcoming book are copyright cleared, and no doubt those who are so hot on such issues will have seen fit to sort out their own affairs, even if the image reproduced on this thread is in the copyright ownership of Nautilus with no evidence of clearance. How does one spell hypocrisy?
>> I don't know. Incidentally, how is copyright applied to photos so old?
Finally I say again that there is no good evidence to support a 12.45am first lifeboat departure time.
>> So you say. I want to see the FULL evidence, without Molony's pretence of the truth.
I will be lecturing in Liverpool on this point next month.
>> I'll be in Southampton. [Deleted. MAB]