1st Class Dining Room Floor

I have a question about the floor of the 1st Class Dining Room. Now I know there is carpeting in the alleyways-- between the tables, but I wasn't sure what the actual floor was made of. I'm going to guess it was wood because in some pictures you can see a wood design, but I wanted to know if anyone could confirm that...

Hi Nick,

I have here in front of me the M Warren "Lusitania" book, but surprisingly, in the paragraph about the 1st class dining room, there is no mention of the actual flooring. Looking at the photos of the room, I would say that it was wood parquet.

Nick, I've just been looking again in my Warren book and in the intro it says that the dining room flooring was oak parquet. Hope this helps.

Hi Lucy,
Thank you so much! I had actual got Warrens Book through an interlibrary Loan-- I looked through the paragraph were it described the dining room details... I must have missed that sentence. Thanks again!

You're welcome, Nick! :-)
Yes, the description of the dining room floor is easily missed. The place where it is, in the author's introduction, is not the first place one would turn to- it seems more obvious to look in the actual 1907 "Engineering" description of the room, which funnily enough, does not mention the actual material the floor was made of. I'll admit I only found it after I read the intro. Anyway, glad it was of help.
