2002 Cameron Expedition Bismarck

From Ew.com:

Shipwreck maven James Cameron's next target: the World War II German battleship Bismarck. He's producing a Discovery Channel special for the fall with a typically modest title, ''James Cameron's Expedition Bismarck.''...
Cameron leaves for Bismarck next month. Which means that he won't be thinking Titanic for a while, unfortunately. In my opinion, whenever Cameron concentrates on Titanic, the Titanic community benefits.

Agreed on that Parks. The expedition last year was groundbreaking IMO. If the man hadn't been a producer, he would have made one helluva researcher. Not that he isn't one already come to think of it.

Michael H. Standart
Parks -

Have you heard where they are in the editing process for Ghosts? Is it completed yet? I can't imagine Cameron leaving final edits to anyone else. Also, have you heard whether Earthship is covering this one as well, or does Discovery Channel have exclusive rights?
I can't give you an update on the editing process. "Ghosts" will not be finished before Cameron heads back out to sea, though. I'm not involved with, or knowledgeable about, the Bismarck expedition, aside from looking at elevation-view plans of the Schlachtschiff tacked to the walls in the Earthship offices.

To Sopas Gero:

Thanks very much for the BISMARCK link. What a wonderful site, with a beautiful color image of BISMARK.

The war diaries are fascinating!

Thanks again,
Michael A. Cundiff
Best site for warships is www.warships1.com

Bismarck regularly gets discussed in the Battleship v Battleship discussion board - and if you post a query they will usually respond very courteously and informatively.

There are also a lot of good technical board articles that will give you a lot of insight into the ship, the Tirpitz, and everything warship orientated.

AND there is also a pile of links to other sites.